
Global Scholarship Program

대웅재단에서는 외국인 유학생들을 글로벌 우수인재로 육성함으로써 졸업 후 취업을 통해 한국에 잘 정착할 수 있는 장학 프로그램 지원자를 모집합니다.

한국어 가능자
한국어 가능자
채용시 마감


  1. Open to students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD programs at Korean universities.
  2. Applicants must be able to communicate in Korean or English.


  1. Monthly scholarship of 500,000 KRW during semesters.
  2. Hands-on experience with real company projects during semesters.
  3. Company work experience programs during vacations.
  4. Job recruitment and recommendation opportunities.

Selection Process & Criteria:

  1. Ability to introduce themselves or their future career path systematically.
  2. Willingness to grow and participate actively in the Daewoong Foundation’s program.
  3. Plan to start a career in Korea or their home country after graduation.


  • Recruitment: September 22nd
  • Application: September 22nd
  • Screening: October
  • Selection: October

How to Apply:

  1. Prepare and submit an application form, a video, a certificate of enrollment, and an academic transcript via dftalent.vividapp.kr.
  2. Application Form: Downloadable from the given website links.
  3. Video Guidelines: Approximately 5 minutes, in MP4 format, under 500MB. Topic: Explain how you can effectively use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your desired field.
  4. Certificates: Latest Certificate of Enrollment and Academic Transcript (issued within the last 3 months).


  1. Open to students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD programs at Korean universities.
  2. Applicants must be able to communicate in Korean or English.


  1. Monthly scholarship of 500,000 KRW during semesters.
  2. Hands-on experience with real company projects during semesters.
  3. Company work experience programs during vacations.
  4. Job recruitment and recommendation opportunities.

Selection Process & Criteria:

  1. Ability to introduce themselves or their future career path systematically.
  2. Willingness to grow and participate actively in the Daewoong Foundation’s program.
  3. Plan to start a career in Korea or their home country after graduation.


  • Recruitment: September 22nd
  • Application: September 22nd
  • Screening: October
  • Selection: October

How to Apply:

  1. Prepare and submit an application form, a video, a certificate of enrollment, and an academic transcript via dftalent.vividapp.kr.
  2. Application Form: Downloadable from the given website links.
  3. Video Guidelines: Approximately 5 minutes, in MP4 format, under 500MB. Topic: Explain how you can effectively use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your desired field.
  4. Certificates: Latest Certificate of Enrollment and Academic Transcript (issued within the last 3 months).

해당 채용공고는 첨부파일이 존재해요! 첨부파일 확인 후 지원하세요.
Please review the attached document and proceed with your application.
첨부파일 (Attached) :
이메일 주소 (E-mail) :
지원하기이메일 지원

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